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Episode 2:

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Behold! The riveting conclusion of our two-part introductory series to the degenerate, blacklisted academics who have dedicated their lives to the study of all things probably-not-worth-studying.

Last episode, we met Mr. Kelly Nelson, an elderly man trapped in the failing husk of a thirty-something nostalgic. With open arms, Kelly welcomed us into his beleaguered psyche and taught us all a little bit about professional wrestling.

And ourselves.

Today, we meet Kelly’s counterpart: the interminable rake, Moss Scheurkogel. (For definition of “rake,” see moustache in Fig. 1, below)

Moss Scheurkogel

Fig. 1: Moss’ ill-fated attempt to best Kelly’s facial hair. This photo taken moments before his girlfriend just shaved the hell out of him.

In defiance of Kelly’s affection for testosterone (anabolic or otherwise,) Moss delivers us a more civilized sort of warfare. The sort that is played in the arena of the mind, with only some pencils and preposterous dice to ground the whole fiasco to reality.

It is the realm of Fantasy Roleplaying, and you are seriously in for a treat.

With a general focus on games like Dungeons and Dragons, Moss gives an overview of the genre in an accessible way for all to understand. No prior gaming knowledge is required to enjoy this episode; in fact, the previously uninitiated may just find something redeeming in this discussion of one of the most belittled activities in popular culture.


To know more about why tabletop RPG’s have received such a bad rap in the past, and why said rap is completely unjustified, listen on!